

We’re living in a world that is increasingly lost. We hear of declining church attendance. We send our Christian students to University, and over 90% of them finish their degree with only little or having lost their faith. I attend church where the colour of the sea is grey. Few of us have heard the message of salvation, yet even fewer are being saved. Is it that we are lost, or are we just distracted by a world that is lost? It’s time to stop being protective of ourselves and insular. This is literally a matter of life or death. If you’re not already fired up…I want you to still carry on reading, as you’ve got to be prepared to deal with those who are.

The church worldwide is currently under media fire. The church is perceived to be corrupt with alleged child abuse cases. The church is threatened to be split by the matter of enabling women to fulfil their mission call to be Bishops. Churches are closing down because they cannot afford to make ‘necessary repairs’ and maintenance costs. Can you believe these churches are symbols of our saving grace – Jesus. Something has gone terribly wrong. There are millions of lost souls in the world! There is nothing ‘necessary’ about repairing a wall when the world’s relationship with God needs repairing. Sorry – but I do not want associated to the church that thinks like this. I want to be associated with the church that has a raging mad, love, passion and energy – just like the One who came to save us did.

The church is under attack. The church is lost. We, the church are lost! Please don’t think I’m saying you are lost, because I’m not, but ‘we’ the ‘church’ are lost. I sometimes wonder whether or not there is a divine prerogative in all of this, or are we just been ignorant towards the mission of the church? And, I suppose if we were ‘found’ we’d be in heaven…so, there’s still work to be done, because obviously we’re not in heaven. Yet.

Church. What’s it there for? Who’s it there for? What is it? I’m sorry, but the day we start to think the church is there for its own people, that’s the day we will have lost the plot. The church doesn’t exist for itself. The church should be a beacon of hope, love, inclusion and peace. Not a symbol of exclusiveness, brokenness, judgement and double standards. The church is a living monument, where the Holy Spirit dwells, and is a mighty force for saving souls. I do not want to sit. I want to stand. My worship is going to be living, breathing God in the real world.

WWJD. What Would Jesus Do? We’ve all heard of that one. And some of us have even worn it around our wrists. We are fragile beings. Easily tempted. Easily destroyed. Let’s stand firm. Let’s stand up when God’s work is being masked, prevented, and mis-interpreted. Don’t leave it to someone else to do. You are the church. Let’s walk together. What Would Jesus Do? Ok, you’ve had long enough to think about it…now do it!

Let’s be honest. We’re the lost ones too. Let’s continually find our Father when we daily walk astray. Let us persistently confess and ask for forgiveness. Let our hearts be full of love and passion for the lost world we are privileged to help reconcile with God again. If you are already doing it…do it with everything that you’ve got. If you’re not…consider the consequences if you did. If I’m good enough for the divine Lord, then I’m good enough for you.