
Are you in Solitary Confinement?

I know (as someone who attends church on a Sunday) that Christians can tend to moan about particular aspects of its leadership, general running & management. I admit, sometimes this includes me. I always try to say to myself "if you've got a problem, then do something about it. You've highlighted an issue - deal with it!" It's maybe easier said than done, but let’s face it - as my Bible reading said this morning - we are "all members of the body of Christ". Rom 12. We cannot rely on other people to sort the world's problems out - it’s down to us and that includes me and you. We’re not alone don’t forget.

They're my words of introduction...

I heard Phil Togwell from 24/7 speak last night, and he said something that related to my recent frustrations. When someone is contagiously ill - we stick them into solitary confinement. When lots of people are contagiously ill - we stick them together into solitary confinement. We don't want the disease spreading.

Can this be like Church? I love Church. I love the community. The family. The people. Our faith. I sometimes feel I have no life, other than Church. Many weeks, I invest every spare hour into church. And I love it. But…

I've realised this can sometimes be dangerous. We can sometimes look after 'ourselves' - the church so much, that we forget and neglect people who aren’t yet believers. Is it that 'we' the church are in solitary confinement?

The difference is, we don't have a disease or something that we don't want spreading. We've got something that is too good to keep to ourselves. The good news doesn't just belong to me and you. It is meant to be shared amongst everyone.

Let's break down the doors of solitary confinement. Let's break out into our communities, our towns our cities. Make the power of Jesus become infectious. We have divine authority to infect all people of all nations. Matt 28. Let Jesus, through us, grip people like He gripped you and me.

It’s not all about the building, the Sunday, the church coffee morning. Ultimately, it’s about spreading the message, the news, that Jesus is the world’s saviour. Break out. What ever it takes. Do it!