
Are You a Discouraged Youth Worker?

From time to time we all go through peaks and troughs. For those of us who work in youth ministry, there's no magic escape from feeling discouraged occasionally - it faces us all. Over the past few months I've seen and talked to many young leaders who are discouraged and question their callings. Most of them close friends. It's upsetting to see a clearly gifted and talented youth worker often well trained and experienced feel knocked down. 

If you're a youth worker, I want you to read what's to come and feel encouraged. Know that you're appreciated. That you're doing kingdom work. That you're loved. That He delights in you. I want to say 'thank you' too. 

Youth workers are heroes. They are few and rare. They are the people willing to walk into young lives when everyone else seems to be walking out. They stand up and fight hard to disprove the gloomy statistics daunting the future of today's youth.  They are people who believe in a better life for our children and preach a message of hope and salvation in a world of gloom and doom. They are a breed of people who see potential and not write offs. 

Youth workers love God and love young people. They desire to see young people in a loving relationship with their Heavenly Father. They are a listening ear when there is no one to listen. They are a mother/father/big sister/brother when there is no one. They are people who do not quit on young people. They believe in them. 

Youth workers give up precious free time, weekends and work unsociable hours and late nights. They give that little bit out of their own pocket to buy hot chocolate and bread for that evenings youth meeting. Youth workers invest in a generation with all that they have. 

Youth workers are often perceived as over grown kids, but they are the ones who believe in a positive childhood. They are not always understood. Not always asked. They are often the ones on the frontline of many battles. But, they have a God given gift and have his power and strength through the Holy Spirit to get through and break barriers. 

The task ahead is big and challenging. If you're discouraged, pick yourself up. We cannot afford to lose you. The harvest is plentiful and there's few of us working at it. 

Your work matters. Please don't give up. I was once a young person and can only write this because the people that meant most to me (although I didn't always tell them and wish I had) didn't give up on me. It was my youth workers that meant most to me.  

You're making a world of a difference. 


Basement Central - A Huge Thank You!

The last two weeks have been a combination of the most exciting, visionary, community building and tiresome two weeks of my life. I am thrilled that so many members of the church, locally and regionally have felt the call to be part of Basement Central. 

The commitment and dedication of all the workers most of them volunteers, lunch providers, those who have prayed and those who have encouraged has been humbling and inspiring. It is a great encouragement to me and my team knowing that so many people are behind this amazing venture, which we pray will be a turning point in working with many more children and young people in the city of York bringing them to Christ - Serving God's Transformation of The North.

Please continue to visit our blog www.basementcentral.tumblr.com to see the finishing touches fall into place and keep an eye out for our opening which is likely to be in early May.

For now, thank you and God bless.