
Who's is it?

When it comes to material things and faith, people can become aggitated and frustrated. By why I wonder? As a human, we are always striving to be in competition with someone else. To be better, to look better, to feel better. But actually, we only become in competition with ourselves at the end of the day.

One thing I completely regret is buying a private car registration plate L55 KBY - Lee Kirkby. £250! This was about two years ago now, and only recently has it been playing on my mind. What's God trying to say....

Why did I buy it (especially for a Fiat Punto - hardly something to show off!)? Because I wanted to be noticed, different, special, feel good when driving. The more I learn about Jesus and grow in faith, the more I deteste the way us Christians are pressured into secular materialism, idolism and worship. It's so hard to be a Christian in a 'celebrity' world, where one is always seeking to be centre of attention. Quite often Christians seek to be that 'celebrity' in their own world! We musn't get sucked in. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if as many people came to church as they did visiting the Trafford Centre?!?!

We have to be so careful and conscious of our image in the world as Christians. What message does it give out when we wear top of the range fashion, but preach to help the poor? What does it say when we spend money on things that are petty but the money vitally spent in other parts of the world? Let's begin to reflect and critique how much we spend and what on. "I have come to set the oppressed free and bring good news to the poor" - driving around in a Ferrari??? Umm...

Let's not do Jesus another injustice. Let's not give people another reason or argument not to believe or see the truth. Let's live as Jesus lived. Live with only what we need, but giving all that we have.

And as for my number plate...well at the moment it would cost more to take it off than it would to keep it! Any offers anyone....?


God's Kingdom or Ours?

I've recently being challenged by some Christians...watching & listening. Why is it that the 'thing' some are following is people & not Jesus? Why do people build mini-kingdoms for themselves? Let's not kid ourselves...who are we impressing? Certainly not Jesus. In fact...I believe we are fooling ourselves & each other, masking the gospel truth, doing injustice to Jesus' sacrifice, when we seek to achieve and build things for our own gratification and image. I'm concerned for the Church, that when our eyes are not fully focused, we distract others and ourselves from the truth. Where should our focus be? On building God's kingdom, or our kingdom? Hunters or Shepherds? Come on...

As Christians, we have influence. So much potential God has implanted in us. Let's be real...we can easily abuse this. Some like to look powerful, be admired, idolised, even worshipped. When we do, we take the focus away from what is rightly Jesus' onto ourselves. We can also be so so destructive & destroy...relationships, faith, Christianity, hope, community, church.

Why on earth would people want to do this? Where's the love, humility, grace, community, church in all of that? Let's focus on building the Kingdom of God, and not our own kingdoms, building one another up, & not bringing others down. What mini-kingdoms distract you from doing God's real work....?

When you get to Heaven do you want Jesus to say "You've worked so hard. Nice kingdom you've built for yourself on earth." Or do you want Him to say "Everything you've done has been for me. You've worked hard to make my Kingdom come on earth." Your choice...earth or Heaven...