
Be the change you want to see

So often, we pray that God will bring change into situations. We store up all our requests and spill them out during our prayer sessions. I've recently been challenged as I, and I'm sure others, have prayed for God to act.

Ghandi once said 'be the change you want to see.' Why is it, we store up all our hopes and dreams, like a shopping list we want God to do?

I don't believe our only role is to throw out hot air from our mouths, speak things as though we mean them, but then sit back and presume God will just get on and do it. I actually believe God has given us the ability to recognise injustice, oppression and weakness, but I also believe He has given us the ability (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to get on with dealing with it ourselves.

Lets be realistic. This week I've thrown away eggs, milk, cheese, fruit and probably much more mouldy stuff growing in my fridge, that my friends will tell you about. How then, can I pray for God to feed the hungry, when I have the ability to feed them? Its like asking someone in another room to put the kettle on when your stood right next to it yourself.

I think its about time we recognise that we can change the world. That God has made us, to change to the world. That we're not just a little segment, but actually, we are salt and light. If God can implant in us, a heart and passion to see change, I'm sure He'll equip us to get the job done. Involve God, and pray first, and He'll then be there when we need Him - when we get on with bringing and being change!


Love Life Into Everyone

Loving someone can do alot of things. As we know, love can be difficult sometimes. When it comes to 'loving life' into someone, this is when it requires us to get some dirt underneath our fingernails.

As a Christian myself, I know Jesus died for me because He loved me. I know that, through His death, I was given life. However, when it comes to me loving, most of the time, that's where it stops. I'm prepared to love someone for a moment, to do something randomly, to do an act of kindness that other's notice, but that's literally it! Nothing else is achieved apart from an act of love. Is it?

Surely love deserves to give more than a moment's peace, pleasure or hope? I think, when Jesus died on that brutal cross, He didn't intend, for us all to accept it and say 'aww thats nice'. No, I'm sure He didn't.

Jesus' act, I'm sure, intended us to accept the act of extreme love, but to recieve life too!

How often when we love do we breathe life into others? Why do we love them, should be our first question. If it's because we should, then we've lost the plot. But if it's because Jesus does, then we're got to move on from just loving them, but to breathe life in them.

Everyone deserves to be loved, and everyone deserves life. The two go hand in hand. I read somewhere once, those that love alot, and give alot, enjoy life alot more, than those who just recieve.

We've got to prove its Jesus that gives life. To prove it, love and breathe life into the weary, lost and broken! Jesus did for us.


"Your Kingdom Come, here on earth."

Why is it, that we get so boiled up at being territorial? Why do we try compete with other Christians and other churches? Why is it, when we see something done, that is actively building God's Kingdom, we find it within ourselves to either compete, or demolish it?

Recently, I've realised that although I am employed and get paid by one particular 'church', I actually belong to Jesus' church. I've become less protective of my churches' territory and more open to widening God's territory here on earth.

When we pray to see God's Kingdom come, here on earth, its actually going to come through God working in us. God's Kingdom doesn't belong to any one church - it deserves to belong in God's created people.

When God created us in Genesis, He was pleased and noted that we were 'very good'. We were not perfect! That means there's still work to do - and we are the means to get it done. God wants us to be the hands and feet in building God's kingdom here on earth. A work in progress.

I want to see heaven on earth. As soon as we accept that our focus needs to be on building God's people first, only then, can our mini-kingdoms, territories and boundaries be demolished. And so they should!

It's sad when one church becomes jealous of another. If we were 'one church' this wouldn't exist. Surely, we're all in this together, and if you're not - maybe reaccess.