
Be the change you want to see

So often, we pray that God will bring change into situations. We store up all our requests and spill them out during our prayer sessions. I've recently been challenged as I, and I'm sure others, have prayed for God to act.

Ghandi once said 'be the change you want to see.' Why is it, we store up all our hopes and dreams, like a shopping list we want God to do?

I don't believe our only role is to throw out hot air from our mouths, speak things as though we mean them, but then sit back and presume God will just get on and do it. I actually believe God has given us the ability to recognise injustice, oppression and weakness, but I also believe He has given us the ability (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to get on with dealing with it ourselves.

Lets be realistic. This week I've thrown away eggs, milk, cheese, fruit and probably much more mouldy stuff growing in my fridge, that my friends will tell you about. How then, can I pray for God to feed the hungry, when I have the ability to feed them? Its like asking someone in another room to put the kettle on when your stood right next to it yourself.

I think its about time we recognise that we can change the world. That God has made us, to change to the world. That we're not just a little segment, but actually, we are salt and light. If God can implant in us, a heart and passion to see change, I'm sure He'll equip us to get the job done. Involve God, and pray first, and He'll then be there when we need Him - when we get on with bringing and being change!

1 comment:

  1. you are right Lee....we buy far too much food and waste it. I have just thrown away quite a bit!I am going to rise to your challenge and actually plan meals and just buy what I need.So, I can be less wasteful....but how do you suggest we actually feed the hungry?I am up for helping to do something practical.You gave me some eggs so don't beat yourself up too much...they will be eaten and enjoyed! and come and let me feed you on Thursday lol....I have PLANNED spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread....and bought just enough to make it! xxxx
