
I'm Not Supported - 3/3

Who's seeing your vision? Who's hearing your complaints? When do you meet with your line manager?  If your immediate response to these questions is 'Help!' then there are probably some serious management issues. I think feeling unsupported is the single most common reason for people in ministry to feel shot down. Apparently the average tenure for a youth worker to remain in post is 18 months. We've got to ask why that is?

When our voice isn't heard and when we're not listened to, we go into a period of trying to do it all alone, often neglecting our own relationship and walk with Jesus. It doesn't work. In Titus 2, Paul encourages older men and women to be role models and mentors to younger people. Is this modeled in your ministry? Is this being modeled with you?

Communication is a key factor to having an effective ministry. I've always said that team needs to model first what a team wants to model in those they minister to. If a team isn't functional, communicating, affirming, giving and receiving feedback regularly, then we begin to feel unsupported. Maybe this is you? If you're a manager, you need to feel supported before you can support others. And if you're not being supported, it's difficult to support others, so make sure you get support. Give your workers time. And if you're not getting the time you need, you have a responsibility to ask for it for the sake of your own ministry. 

We all need that someone in our ministry who believes in us. That person who inspires us. That person who confronts and challenges us about things. We all need someone who we can look up to and go to for advice. So many young leaders in ministry are walking this all alone. We have a duty to lead our young, pick them up when they've fallen and help them move up the next step. 

If you're feeling shot down, there's something you can do about it. If you've shot someone down, there's something you can do about it. If you know someone who is shot down, there's something you can do about it. 


I'm Not Called - 2/3

From time to time we may go through periods of thinking 'this isn't me anymore' or 'I don't think I'm meant to be doing this'. Some days I wake up and think to myself 'what am I doing?’ I doubt I'm the only one that thinks like this. It doesn't last. Sometimes we just need to re-ignite our passion and if we're not seeing results in numbers, volunteers, spiritual gifts, then it's sometimes difficult. Don’t loose sight of the light when discouragement knocks you down.

Are we asking this of ourselves?

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 "The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." As believers we've all been called to our different mission fields and when we've been knocked we sometimes question where this may be. It is God who calls us and his call on our lives remains persistent through all things difficult. Seek and know what God has called you to do and run with it through whatever you may face. I doubt every time I face a brick wall. Persist and you'll break down the walls and walk straight through. God made me to work with young people. That's what I'll do. 

Occasionally we have to brush the dust off from beneath our feet and move on – sometimes literally. I believe God uses the challenging periods of our ministry to mature us and move us to a deeper and better place. When we become discouraged it makes us more committed and dependent on Jesus. It’s during these times of questioning God’s call on our lives that we are shaped and developed. 

God calls us and equips us for our ministry. Minister in places where your passion oozes from you. 

Tomorrow's final blog is titled 'I'm not supported' - unfortunately a condition many youth workers are victims of. 


I'm Not Good Enough - 1/3

Most of us in ministry will bear scars and experience stings every so often. A friend of mine recently said he feels like he's being shot down. The truth is, discouragement is unfortunately a reality in all aspects of ministry. When we say 'yes' to ministry, we're also saying 'yes' to times of trial and discouragement. Much of this comes from a closer place to us than we'd expect and want it to come from - the church. In this three part blog I'll highlight three things that may contribute to you feeling like you've been shot down: 

I'm not good enough. 

How many times have we thought this? 
Paul says in 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young..."  Having gone through three years myself of not feeling good enough for a job I was doing, I can empathise with most people who consider themselves unworthy. I must say, many of these feelings were brought on by others - their words and behind closed door decisions infiltrated my whole being, often knocking me off course. Sometimes it was not what they said to me, but what they didn't say to me. I just wasn't good enough. Maybe they thought I was too young? Maybe it was because I didn't have the experience they were looking for? 'But why not give me a chance?'  I used to scream! Paul continues to say that young people should set an '...example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.' As young leaders we need to guard ourselves from attack and criticism  making sure that we do set an example in every way, so not to give anyone reason to blame our actions on our age. A young age doesn't make someone unusable by God. 

I hear of so many young leaders being discouraged particularly as they're just starting out in ministry. Their leaders expect beyond their years in return. They expect too much. As a manager myself, I expect to deal with personal and team failures from time to time. I also happen to believe in the power of investing in people's potential. That is knowing someone isn't quite there yet, but is capable of getting there and I'll commit to helping you get there. How many young leaders do we just leave hanging there in ministry to fend for themselves? 

It means taking risks and bold decisions from time to time. So many churches don't see what's in front of their own eyes. Are we identifying, raising and discipling young leaders within our own churches? I'm thankful for the people who took a risk with me, all because they saw potential in me. They gave me responsibilities knowing that I might not be able to carry them. But they were ready to catch them. They stretched me. They saw something in me. They gave me a go.  

Know that you are good enough. You were good enough for Jesus to do what he did for you. You are good enough. 

Are we growing young leaders? Are we developing young leaders? Do we trust our young leaders? Do we believe in our young leaders? What are our words and actions saying to our young leaders? Do we create a culture of 'you are good enough here'? 

You are good enough for Him. That's the truth. 

Tomorrow's blog is titled 'I'm not called' - a feeling we sometimes get when not being good enough has saturated us for far too long. 


Basement Central - A Twenty Year Vision Fulfilled?

I write this twenty four hours after our first youth gathering was held at Basement Central. What a fantastic occasion it was to witness the fulfillment of a twenty year vision to have a dedicated space for youth and children's work at St Michael le Belfrey.

Back in 1993 my predecessors paused all youth & children's meetings for a period of three months to seek God's guidance and pray for God to reveal his vision for the ministry. Although they didn't know it then, the vision for Basement Central was birthed. Ever since, there has been a growing desire to see a dedicated space. Many avenues were previously explored, and much effort was put in by past Belfrey staff who were passionate about transforming young lives for Jesus. It is clear now, that all things are in God's time and not ours. In May 2013, Basement Central youth & children's work centre has opened it's doors in the basement of Central Methodist Church with whom we've partnered with. 

I believe it is no coincidence that just seven months into my new job as Head of Youth & Children's Work, God placed this vision at the centre of my heart. I've felt from the start that the youth & children's ministry at St Michael le Belfrey is to be one that pioneers and offers something exemplary to the young people of this city. Whilst praying last night, one of our volunteers picked up that we are now physically based underground and comparable to roots, we need to be rooted in good soil before bearing good fruit. I believe God has blessed us with a physical building that we can spiritually root ourselves in, but the fruit is yet to come!

It's almost as though Basement Central has been an agitating itch over the last twenty years that just hasn't gone away. And for good reason. Is now the time? I believe it is and I'm guessing many others do too. For two weeks over Easter an army of volunteers gave endless hours of service to transforming the basement. A substantial number of generous people gave in excess of £13,000 to see the vision complete. A whole host of hospitable people prepared lunches for the teams and brought in heaps of chocolate treats to keep spirits high. People were reading our www.basementcentral.tumblr.com blog from other nations and sending us financial gifts from across the globe. People not from York heard about the project and visited us off the street unannounced, encouraging us and praying for us. This is no mistake. 

Last night, as I stood back in awe at a phenomenal group of young believers and volunteers worshipping God singing 'Spirit Breakout', I couldn't help but think 'what now God?'. We now have a fantastic facility and resource available to us - but what do we do with it? The twenty year vision may appear to have been fulfilled, but I'm uncomfortable with going along with that. I genuinely believe God is yet to reveal his full purpose for Basement Central. As we seek to take root, I'm praying for patience. As people before me persevered with the vision, I pray that I too persevere in praying that this holy space will bear fruit and that we'll see many transformed lives in the years that lie ahead.

Belfrey Youth worship for the first time in Basement Central.

Tonight, our Belfrey Group listened to a recording of David Watson (past Vicar of St Michael le Belfrey) who was talking about the Holy Spirit. Hearing him speak challenged me to think 'how desperately do I yearn to see God's Spirit breathed into people's lives?' The spirit that moved so powerfully at the first pentecost is the same spirit that is with us today. This is what I see:

I believe York will see a generation of young people not just longing to see heaven touch earth, but they will be the ones who grab the heavenly realm with their own hands and pray it in. Our young people will not only witness the transforming power of God's Holy Spirit in their own lives but will see it breathed into the lives of hundreds of people young and old.  Our young people will be identified as God's own as they walk around with tongues of fire on them which will pass from young person to young person. The light across this city will shine brighter each day as stories of salvation are celebrated daily. Our young people will be the ones who break down generations old barriers and walls seeing an outpouring of God's spirit breakout and reign. Sounds of heaven will pour from the mouths of every young person and their songs will reach far and wide across The North. People will come and see. People will go away changed and renewed.

The prophet Joel writes eight hundred years or so before the first pentecost happened. He had a vision of an outpouring of God's spirit long before it actually happened. Please join with me in praying that we will persevere in longing to see a fresh outpouring of God's spirit across this city and in the lives of our children. Do you believe it can happen? I do. 

Joel 2:28 
“And afterward,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your old men will dream dreams,
    your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
30 I will show wonders in the heavens
    and on the earth,
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
31 The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood
    before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
32 And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
    there will be deliverance,
    as the Lord has said,
even among the survivors
    whom the Lord calls.

So, a twenty year vision fulfilled? Not yet. There may be paint on the walls and carpet on the floors. But, the best is yet to come!