
I'm Not Called - 2/3

From time to time we may go through periods of thinking 'this isn't me anymore' or 'I don't think I'm meant to be doing this'. Some days I wake up and think to myself 'what am I doing?’ I doubt I'm the only one that thinks like this. It doesn't last. Sometimes we just need to re-ignite our passion and if we're not seeing results in numbers, volunteers, spiritual gifts, then it's sometimes difficult. Don’t loose sight of the light when discouragement knocks you down.

Are we asking this of ourselves?

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:24 "The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." As believers we've all been called to our different mission fields and when we've been knocked we sometimes question where this may be. It is God who calls us and his call on our lives remains persistent through all things difficult. Seek and know what God has called you to do and run with it through whatever you may face. I doubt every time I face a brick wall. Persist and you'll break down the walls and walk straight through. God made me to work with young people. That's what I'll do. 

Occasionally we have to brush the dust off from beneath our feet and move on – sometimes literally. I believe God uses the challenging periods of our ministry to mature us and move us to a deeper and better place. When we become discouraged it makes us more committed and dependent on Jesus. It’s during these times of questioning God’s call on our lives that we are shaped and developed. 

God calls us and equips us for our ministry. Minister in places where your passion oozes from you. 

Tomorrow's final blog is titled 'I'm not supported' - unfortunately a condition many youth workers are victims of. 

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